1905 - 1909


The Novi Sad synagogue belongs to the Ashkenazi rite of a neolog (unorthodox) direction. The synagogue building was designed by the Hungarian architect Lipot Baumhorn. It is the fifth synagogue built in the history of Novi Sad. In the period between 1749 and 1906, there were four synagogues on the same site, always built on the foundations of the previous one for the needs of a growing and prosperous Jewish community. Today's synagogue is a three-nave building, with a 40-meter high dome above its central part. The interior is divided into a ground floor and a gallery. On the ground floor there are men's and "altar seats" and in the galleries there are seats for women. At the top of the east side there is the Ark (aron hakodesh - אָרוֹן קׄדֶש). Two buildings were erected on both sides of the synagogue at the time of its construction, one of which was a Jewish primary school (now a secondary ballet school) and the other a Jewish community building. At the entrance to the synagogue there is an inscription: "Ki beti, bet tefila ikara l'kol haamim", which in translation means "Let this house be a house of prayer for all nations" (Isaiah 56: 7) In addition to its primary purpose, the synagogue is very often used as a concert hall.


Singing, as one of the noblest musical disciplines, brings a fantastic feeling of permeation withintense artistic experience. When this sublime talent is placed in the context of choral singing in which each singer subordinates his voice, his whole being, to the common aspiration towards perfect harmony, a noble sound is produced never leaving anyone indifferent. And placing all this beauty in the space of the Novi Sad synagogue - the Jewish prayer temple above whose door it is written: "Let this house be a home of prayer for all nations." The synagogue, built at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century from charitable contributions by the members of the then strong Novi Sad Jewish community. The synagogue where services were held, holidays celebrated, and where people mourned and rejoiced. The synagogue in which all the surviving Jews of Novi Sad (about 1800 of them) were collected and taken to death camps in April 1944. The synagogue that miraculously survived the devastation of the world wars. The synagogue where the Jewish men’s singing society Hashira sang between the two world wars. Today, our synagogue is a concert hall where top domestic and world artists perform. To sing in THAT synagogue means to feel all its dramatic history, to feel all the emotions of the people who built it, who prayed, celebrated and mourned in it, loved and reconciled. This means not only to utilize its beneficial acoustics, but also to rise above the prosaic everyday life and sail into the magical world of noble art that elevates both singers and audiences to unimaginable heights and immeasurable depths. Singing in the Novi Sad synagogue is an incredible privilege and blessing for which we are infinitely grateful. It is a part of us, our home, our shelter, our temple and our spiritual center, no matter what denomination we belong to, it is "... a house of prayer for all nations".

Mirko Štark, President of the choir