A noble sound leaves no one indifferent!


Hashira choir performs primarily Jewish spiritual and secular music, as well as all other good choral music. We sing at every event, gathering or occasion that contributes to love, respect and kindness among people and harmony with nature in and around us.

Members of the singing association choir Hashira in Novi Sad around 1933. In the middle is the choirmaster, the late precentor Weissberg-Belogorski, and on his right is the president of the association Ladislav Wertheim.


Hashira, Novi Sad’s Jewish Community Choir, takes its name from the Hebrew word hashira, meaning song ( השירה ). It was founded back in 1993 by Suzana Gros, its first conductor, to revive the tradition of the choral society that had operated between the two world wars under the same name. The mission of the choir has been to champion Jewish spiritual and secular music. Today’s choir sings in Hebrew, Yiddish, Ladino, Serbian, Latin, Spanish, English, Italian, and Basque. It has no genre or time restrictions in its repertoire. Significant performances and successes of the choir include participation in festivals in Serbia, numerous concerts all over Vojvodina as well as festival and guest performances in Italy, Hungary, Montenegro, Croatia, Germany, Poland, Austria, Israel and other countries. Every January in Novi Sad, Hashira sings at the commemoration to the victims of fascism during World War II, as well as on Holocaust Day. The choir actively participates in cultural, religious and charitable events, playing a significant role on the Jewish, Novi Sad, Vojvodinian and Serbian cultural scenes. Today, the choir Hashira is comprised of 40 great singers, successfully led by conductor Vesna Kesić Krsmanović. So far, six conductors have led Hashira:

Suzana Gros Marković  1993.–1999.

Ana Kovačić 1995.

Rastko Pavlov 1999.–2001.

Milan Šarić 2001.–2001.

Božidar Crnjanski 2001.–2004.

Vesna Kesić Krsmanović 2004.-now

About the beginnings of Hashira learn more HERE.


The following musicians have contributed to the development and success of the choir:

Dina Šuklar (piano)

Nataša Srdić Johan (piano)

Gligić Aleksandar (piano)

Slobodanka Stević (piano)

Jožef Riter (piano)

Julija Bal (piano)

Branislav Bošković (percussions)

Srđan Kozarev (percussions)

Vladimir Stojković Coka (percussions)

Kol šel kfir – Zov mladog lava (band)